ProStationAudio Menus: Region

New Folder (available depending on version)

Use this menu to create a new region list folder. The new folder is created inside the current folder. You can rename or move folders with the same commands used for regions.

  • Select the New Folder menu item.
  • A new folder is created into the region list.
  • Double click the folder item to make it the current folder (that is, to open it).

Import Use this menu to create a new region by importing one or more audio files.

Importing a single file.
  • Select Import From File... and the application promts you with the Import Requester and automatically opens a file requester.
  • Select an audio file.
  • If the file is correctly recognized the application displays pertinent informations in the Import Requester.

    Informations available include:
    • Path: file path
    • Creation Date: creation date (doesn't handle time zones)
    • FileType: file type such as AIFF, WAV, ...
    • Size: file size
    • Duration: sample duration in hh:mm:ss:ff format
    • Clock: sample rate
    • Bits: bits per sample
    • Format: samplepoint format
    • Channels: audio channels (mono, stereo)

  • If you change your mind and want to access another file click on the gadget labelled with a question mark to reopen the filerequester.
  • When a file is correctly recognized you have two options:
    • Import (gadget)
      Click on this gadget to have the file copied into your project's directory. This is great to build self-contained projects that you can easily backup and/or move to another machine.
    • Link (gadget)
      Click on this gadget to let the application access the file directly at its original location. This saves disk space but makes handling the project more complex.

      For performace reasons, if the file is not structured in the most efficient way for the application, you are limited to the Import option.
  • After you have successfully imported or linked an audiofile, the application creates a new region extending over the whole sample. Such a region is called a root-region (as opposed to user-defined sub-regions). You can find the new region in the region list. Its name is the same as the imported file.

Importing a directory.
  • Select Import From Dir... and the application promts you with the Import Requester and automatically opens a directory requester.
  • Select a directory.
  • The directory gets scanned and, when done, the application displays pertinent informations in the Import Requester.

    Informations available include:
    • Total files: amount of files found
    • Importable: amount of audio files than can be imported
    • Linkable: amount of audio files that can be linked in-place.

  • If you change your mind and want to access another directory click on the gadget labelled with a question mark to reopen the directory requester.
  • If any audio file is found, you have two options:
    • Import (gadget)
      Click on this gadget to have the files copied into your project's directory. This is great to build self-contained projects that you can easily backup and/or move to another machine.
    • Link (gadget)
      Click on this gadget to let the application access files directly at its original location. This saves disk space but makes handling the project more complex.

      For performace reasons, if files are not structured in the most efficient way for the application, you are limited to the Import option.
  • After you have successfully imported or linked an audiofile, the application creates a new region extending over the whole sample. Such a region is called a root-region (as opposed to user-defined sub-regions). You can find the new region in the region list. Its name is the same as the imported file.

The first time you access a file, the application has to perform additional computations to build a so-called ALSF file (AudioLabs Support File). This file caches graphic waveforms and other relevant information to dramatically speed up further accesses.

The application transparently handles ALSF, including associating them with the corresponding audio files and updating the informations when the corresponding audio files change.

To sum up, this process needs a bit of extra time the first time you access an audio file but later acts as a great timesaver.

Export... Use this menu to export the selected region to a separate file.

  • Select a region in the region list.
  • Select the Export... menu item and the application prompts you with a file requester.
  • Enter a file name to save the region to an audio file.

Generate Use this menu to generate audio tones.

Generating pure tones.
  • Select Generate Tone.
  • The tone requester pops up.
  • Enter the desired frequency into the SourceA gadget.
  • Enter the desired duration into the timecode gadget.
  • Select Tone(A) for starting the generation process.

Once finished, a new region containing the tone gets added to the region list.

Generating sweeps.
  • Select Generate Tone.
  • The tone requester pops up.
  • Enter the desired start frequency into the SourceA gadget.
  • Enter the desired end frequency into the SourceB gadget.
  • Enter the desired duration into the timecode gadget.
  • Select Sweep A:B for starting the generation process.

Once finished, a new region containing the sweep gets added to the region list.

Generating DTFM (phone) tones.
  • Select Generate DTFM.
  • The DTFM requester pops up.
  • Enter the desired phone number into the phone number gadget. You can use 0:9 digits, A:D letters, * and #. The comma is a valid symbol for adding pauses.
  • Select the desired tone duration with the Tone gadget.
  • Select the desired break (silence) between digits with the break gadget.
  • Select the desired pause duration ("," simbol) with the pause gadget.
  • Select Go for starting the generation process.

Once finished, a new region containing the DTFM sequence gets added to the region list.

Copy (available depending on version)

Use this menu to copy the selected region/folder into the clipboard in order to move it to another folder with the Paste command.

  • To move a region/folder into another folder select it then use then Copy/Paste commands into the Region menu item. When pasting a region/folder the original gets moved to the new position. Please note that Copy is not named Cut here as data gets moved only when pasting, unlike a normal Cut operation.

Paste (available depending on version)

Use this menu to move a previously copied region/folder to the current folder. Please see Copy.

Play/Stop (available depending on version)

Use this menu to play the selected region. This allows region auditioning without the need for creating objects into the timeline.

Information... Use this menu to obtain informations on the selected region.

  • Select a region in the region list.
  • Select the Information... menu item.

Create Use this menu to create two new regions by splitting the region associated to the selected object at the cursor position. The object itself is not splitted.

  • Select an object in the timeline.
  • Place the cursor over the selected object.
  • Select the Create menu item.
  • Check the region list to find the two new regions. The names of the two regions are built by appending a suffix to the name of the original region.

Remove Use this menu to remove the selected region from the region list.

  • Select a region in the region list.
  • Select the Remove menu item.

If you remove a root-region the applications promts you with a requester asking if you want to remove all the associated sub-regions too. If you continue you're also asked ifyou want to remove the associated audio file from your HD.

Remove unused (available depending on version)

Use this menu to automatically remove the unused regions from the region list. A root region is preserved when at least one of its subregions is in use.

Rename... Use this menu to rename the selected region.

  • Select a region in the region list.
  • Select the Rename menu item and the application prompts you with a string requester.
  • Enter a new name for the region.

Clear RegionList Use this menu to remove every region from the region list